Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Mis en scène

 You ever looked at a movie poster or any picture and wonder how they perfected each part of Mis en scène in those photographs. Last week we learned about Mis en scène which is the staging or putting on an action or scene. Mis en scène  term use originated from stage drama where it refers to the way actors or scenery props are placed and .The earliest correct use of Mis en scène was in the film “ Citizen Kane” using all the components Composition, design,  lights, setting, and costuming.

What I learned about Mis en scène is that to be able to create such artistic things in film and photographs there’s a lot that goes into it like the set up of lights, props, location, positioning etc… can really make a difference on how the viewer sees it. What I want to learn about if it’s how to better use so that when I’m taking photograph the illusion that I’m wanting to show is recognizable and not the illusion itself .When I first started learning about it I was in awe of how such little details could make a whatever you’re trying to show to the audience or viewers in movie or scene.

The way that we used Mis en scene in class is we did mini photography. me and my project partner decided that we were going to make an illusion monster truck show with her little brothers, kinetic sand, and a small storage box. We took pictures at certain angles and used our phone flash lights to create more of that stadium type feeling. We put the kinetic sand down to make the dirt look like a little hill that it is going over, we also positioned the truck certain ways so it could look more realistic. though the pictures didn’t turn out as realistic as we wanted we still thought some of them Looked good as you can see below.

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Chuckles: Opening Scene Final Production

  The finale: